Diamonds Only

Have you heard of the story “Diamonds Only”..?
A story of a man stranded in the desert, dying of thirst.
One day, he found a sack filed with something.
He thought – coconuts.
He can drink the coco juice and his thirst quenched.
But when he opened the sack, he was disappointed.

Much to his dismay, he sighed – “What a waste, diamonds only!”

That’s similar to my situation right now.
I can have what I want; go where I want when I want. Get pretty much what I like.
But all of these are not what I need now, ‘cause what I need is your affection, you By…
I can trade all these things just to have you back…
I don’t have anything more to offer but all I have; I can’t give what I don’t have…

All of those things are empty now ‘cause they’re the things I wanted to share with you, just what I promised to you before (I told you I’ll make it up to you for all the things we endure together). Now I can do that.

I know I made a mistake when I suddenly left, but I never really left…
But all of those have passed now.

I need you By, please reconsider…
we had our times, we can have it back.
I know you have someone right now, you already have even when we’re still together, but it didn’t matter to me then. I know you, I accepted you. Yes it hurts, even though I deny the pain, but it would hurt more if I lose you. Just like what happened now. That’s why I ignored it then.

I love you By more than ever. Things should be easier for me, now that time has passed, but they’re not. It’s much harder, because everyday my longing for you grows stronger…
Only you can complete my happiness By…
I’ll wait By…

At least play with the idea in your head…
I’m stubborn By, ‘cause I really love you.

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